• Welcome to

      The VLE of the London School of Theology


      Access LST's online courses, learning resources and useful documents.

      Login above to access your online courses, find resources for your on-campus modules, or see information about your programme. On this site you can also find links to the online library, your programme handbooks, and the all-important help pages.

    • Level 6 Students: If you are in your final year please keep an eye out for your personalised email invitation to the National Student Survey. This is an anonymous survey managed by Ipsos, and gives us essential feedback on your experience of studying at LST.

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      fa fa-book

      Research Programmes


    • Need some help?

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      VLE Induction

      A good place to begin

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      Study Skills

      For study success

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      Contact Us

      Here to help

    • A range of study options

      Study online, on-campus or blended 

      LST's undergraduate theology modules can be studied online or on-campus, or as a combination of both (blended delivery). Our taught postgraduate programmes can also be studied online or with on-campus modules. Speak to your programme administrator to find out more or contact enquiries@lst.ac.uk.

    • Visit our online library, where you can access the catalogue, e-books, journal articles and more.

      Take one of our Study Skills courses to ensure you are ready to succeed in your studies.

      Find programme handbooks, timetables, calendars, and other key documents.