2. Assessments

This page gives a summary of the Assessment Regulations available in the programme handbooks, which should be consulted for further detail.

Our modules include two types of assessments - formative and summative.

  • Formative - activities during the learning process to support teaching and learning (no impact on final module grade).
  • Summative - assessment which contributes towards the final grade for the module.

The pass grade varies between programmes. At undergraduate level this is 40.

Submitting your assessment

  • Coursework (Essays, Portfolios, Research Papers and Placement Administration Requirements) must be submitted by 4.00pm on the deadline date (more on submission on the next page). 
  • Examinations will take place on the timetabled date, the exact time and place for onsite students to be confirmed by Registry. 
  • Other types of assessment, such as presentations and recitals, will have separate arrangements confirmed by the module leader.

The Assessment Board

This is the meeting at which marks are confirmed, progression agreed, and awards made. 

You can find more information about this meeting in the Programme Handbook. 

Key information and Terms

  • Late submissions - work which is not submitted by the deadline - unless there are approved Extenuating Circumstances - will be given a mark NS ('Non-Submission'), which is 0.
  • Word counts - this includes footnotes but not the bibliography. 
  • Failures and non-submissions - students will be given a single reassessment opportunity (second assessment or exam resit). The maximum mark for second attempts is a pass grade (i.e. 40 for BA modules).
  • Extenuating Circumstances - see information.
  • Progression - students need a certain number of credits in order to progress to the next level of study. Programme Handbooks should be consulted for exact details.
  • Compensated marks - in certain situations an assessment board may agree that a module grade falling in the 35-39 range may be 'compensated' by a sufficient module average in other modules. Regulations on this vary between the programmes and details are in the Programme Handbook. 
  • Academic Misconduct - e.g. plagiarism. See information.
  • Appeals - these must be sent in writing to the Academic Secretary (copy to Assistant Registrar). [Ask Registry whether you should use this new form.] Note that there are strict deadlines for appeals - noted on the linked form.