
Class Recordings

LST provides audio recordings of classes for all* on-campus modules, starting January 2023. Lecture recordings will be made available via the VLE – you’ll be able to listen via your VLE module page. Recordings will only be available to students enrolled on the module, until the end of the academic year.

(*Note that some practical modules and process groups will not be recorded.)

The class recordings are for two purposes:

  1. To supplement and support on-campus classes. For example, for you to listen back to any sections you found difficult, or to revise content for an assessment.
  2. As a backup for unavoidable absence, such as illness.

Attending lectures should still be the priority for all on-campus modules, as audio recordings will not substitute for the interactive classroom experience and community. The recordings are intended as a supplement and backup only. Attendance will continue to be taken, monitored and followed up with you if it falls.

Why Class Recordings?

There have been questions about why we are introducing class recordings and concerns about what impact it will have. The following slideshow addresses the main questions we've had:

Another version

You can also find more information about why are are doing class recordings and what the research says about this in the Preamble to the Class Content Capture Policy [link].

Using Class Recordings - Guidance for Students

In this video David Hilborn, the Academic Dean, explains more about class recordings and how students should use them:

Remember the following key points:

Download this guidance as a document [link].

How it will work 

Your lecturers will have control of the audio recorders. If you are taking part in a sensitive classroom discussion and prefer your comment not to be recorded, please indicate this to the lecturer using a visual or verbal signal agreed with them. (Though remember that only your classmates will have access to the recording anyway.) For example you may want to use the 'time-out' hand signal.

The lecturer will be able to pause the recording where needed. For example, this may be for simultaneous small group discussions where multiple voices are indistinguishable from one another, or for communal content that is especially delicate. 

Students are not permitted to take any other video or audio recordings of lectures, nor to share recorded content from the VLE, which is not downloadable. Students on the disability list who currently have permission to make individual recordings, will no longer be allowed to do so because, in line with statutory guidance, the college is assuming that responsibility on behalf of those students, and on behalf all other students who might benefit from class recordings, including those with learning differences not registered as disabilities. Please speak to Clara Badu-Amoah for further advice on this if you need it.


Additional Resources

Class recording, or lecture capture, is common in universities and there is lots of good information and guidance out there.

Here are a few links you may find useful: