Attendance and Assessments

2. Assessments

2.3. Marking Criteria and Feedback

Assessment feedback is a very important part of the process of teaching and learning. You will receive formative feedback as you go through your studies and each piece of summative work will also include written feedback returned to you with your grade. Make sure you carefully read your marker's comments.

Each module assessment will have a set of marking criteria. For example, see this document with the Marking Scheme for our undergraduate programmes

In addition, feedback for our undergraduate written assignments will usually also include feedback on the below general criteria, which should help to give you an idea of what is expected in an essay:

Focus on Assessment Task

Does the essay directly tackle the question or topic that was set?

Appropriate Breadth of Reading

Does the essay take account of an appropriate range of other people’s views and approaches?

Understanding/Engagement with Concepts/Arguments

Does the essay make appropriate use of key evidence and concepts relevant to the question?

Factual Accuracy

Have the concepts and arguments been understood and reported correctly?

Critical Analysis

Does the essay show evidence of questioning and wrestling with the ideas and concepts with which it deals?

Quality of Argument

Is the essay an appropriately constructed argument or response rather than a mere report?


Does the way that the essay is presented and divided into sections aid in communicating the ideas?

Clarity of Expression & Communication

Does the writing style and wording of the essay aid the presentation and understanding of the argument?

Grammar & Spelling

Does the essay demonstrate an appropriate fluency with the English language?

Accurate Referencing & Bibliography

Does the essay correctly make use of the standardised academic conventions?