TH4004 - OT Texts (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH4003 - NT Texts (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH4002 - Introduction to the Old Testament (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH4001 - Introduction to the New Testament (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5122 - New Testament Greek 1B (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5121 - New Testament Greek 1A (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5116 - Pastoral Care (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5115 - Preaching (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5113 - Sin, Grace and Eschatology (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5112 - Old Testament Hebrew 1 (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5109 - Biblical Texts (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5008 - Practical Placement 2 (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5007 - Spiritual Theology 2 (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5006 - Apologetics (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5005 - Relational Theology (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5004 - Person and Work of Christ (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5003 - Scripture, Exegesis and Hermeneutics (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5002 - Genesis, Prophets and God (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23
TH5001 - Jesus and the Gospels (onsite) 2022-23
Course category2022-23